Tiens Nutri-Shape Burn - Tiens Russia
Product category :
- Clearence
For many of us, maintaining a proper weight and body composition is as simple as eating healthy and exercising regularly. But for some, keeping a normal body composition isn’t quite this easy. Even with a healthy diet and regular exercise some of us still struggle to keep the weight off. If you’re one of these people, then you know how frustrating the weight management can be. Thankfully, TIENS has designed a weight management supplement with natural nutrients and ingredients that can help tilt the odds in your favor. TIENS Nutri-Shape Burn provides a plethora of health and performance benefits. This fruit and vitamin formula is a highly effective dietary supplement for weight management – so boost your metabolism and nudge the scale in the right direction with its help.
The ingredients of the preparation have the following actions:
– raspberry fruit extract, sourced from Rubus chingii, in Chinese tradition has been widely utilized to tonify liver and kidney, also to maintain healthy appearance;
– raspberry ketone is suggested to help the body break down fat;
– caffeine raises your energy levels by improving mental and physical performance: it’s supportive of alertness and concentration, and helpful during exercise performance as it contributes to an increase in endurance capacity;
– vitamin K2 contributes to the maintenance of bone health, as well as normal blood clotting;
– chromium assists the body in maintaining normal blood sugars, it also helps to metabolize carbs and fats;
– L-taurine may also help you with your physical performance during weight management programme.
This product has been formulated with safe and natural ingredients such as: raspberry fruit extract - associated with the weight loss tradition for a lot of years, filled with many important nutrients; caffeine - the most widely used stimulant in the world, simply because it has been proven to provide a boost in energy; chromium – improving metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, thus helping the fat burning process; vitamin K2, aiding with general muscle and bone health to keep the rest of your body in shape as you shed the pounds.